Have you ever used a public restroom?

Have you ever used a Public Restroom?
Hi! I'm Heather.
If the answer is "yes", then you have seen those enormous gaps between the bathroom stall door and wall/partition.
I tried everything to block people from looking in:
Stuffing toilet paper in the gap
Hanging my purse on the edge of the door
Draping my jacket across the door hoping it would block the stall door gap
Well, the toilet paper would fall to the ground or come out one square at a time, my jacket wasn't big enough, and my purse covered very little.
So I set out to create a fix for this problem and after several delays (cancer, Covid etc.) the Retract-a-Gap™ was born.

If your public restroom privacy is important to you, or if you want to send that special someone a funny but practical gift, order a Retract-a-Gap™ and we guarantee there will be
No More Seein' When You're Peein! or No More Snoopin' While You're Poopin'!

Did You Know?
1.) The majority of the public bathrooms (restrooms) have gaps between the stall door and wall that range from 1/2inch to 2inches wide.
This is where size DOES matter!
2.) The size, width, and texture of the doors all vary. We decided to create a product that would meet all of these variations while still being small enough to fit in your pocket.
3.) These bathroom door gaps are found in airports, amusement parks, restaurants, schools, hospitals, locker rooms, gyms, truck stops, movie theaters, gas stations... etc.
Seattle, WA
I didn't know there was a need for a product like this until my wife mentioned it. She has avoided certain public restrooms due to her anxiety of people looking in. THANK YOU for solving this problem.
Dallas, TX
The slogans alone make me laugh so hard. I used to hang my purse on the door edge to try and block the gap. It would always slide off onto the floor. GROSS! This is fantastic and I will buy more when they are available.
Colorado Springs, CO
A man can walk on the moon but the gaps in the restroom doors can't be covered?!
No more seein when I'm peein!